Send massive amounts of emails to your targets

EmailBomb is the first legitimate email spammer. 99% of our emails hit the target's main inbox.

Completely automatic

Our system is completely automatic and will execute your tasks in real-time.


We have one of the cheapest prices considering the quality of our emails sent. You can even use our service for free!

99% inbox hit-rate

Our advanced system makes sure that 99% of the ordered emails are actually going into the target's main inbox.

API support

Our system allows you to automate the creation of tasks and the management of your account. Check out our api documentation!

About Us

EmailBomb, specialize spam email campaigns, offering a unique service that ensures your emails reach the primary inbox of your target.

Flood Your Target Inbox with Thousands of Emails. Our cutting-edge system guarantees a 99% inbox hit rate. We pride ourselves on offering some of the most competitive rates in the industry without compromising on quality. You can even test our service with 25 free emails every 8 hours. Our "pay as you need" pricing model ensures you only pay for the emails you send.




  • 50 Emails
  • 99% inbox-rate
  • Legitimate email providers
  • Send SMS to target